enhance your knowledge

View and download case books to prepare for your consulting case interviews:

Tips for using the casebooks:
1. Learning from Wharton Industry Primer about basics
2. Start practicing from Columbia 2017 and Duke Fuqua 2016
3. Use PeterK Casebook and Real MBB cases 2020 for your final preparation

Tips for practicing case interviews:
1. Familiarise yourself with case interview using ICCS Case Study Club, YouTube videos and casebooks before reaching out to case partners for practice
2. Use ICCS Case feedback template when you’re practicing with your case partners
3. Keep track of your case practice history and areas of development that you need to improve next time
4. Practice with different case partners

Wharton Industry Primer

Columbia 2017

Fuqua 2016

Peter K - McKinsey Inspired Case Studies 2023

McKinsey, Bain, BCG 2020

Wharton 2009

Wharton 2010

Wharton 2017

EY Parthenon

Ross 2016

Darden 2012

Michigan 2006

Yale 2014

London Business School - Interview Guide

Mastering Market Sizing

Wharton 2007

Stern 2018

Darden 2019